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Help Prevent Dementia With a brisk walk

We generally overlook things we consider small or inconsequential in life because what’s big, loud, and dramatic demands our attention and we put the little things aside to focus on the bigger.

Walking is one of those things that we put aside. Many times because we don’t really see the point in it. Many consider it “boring” or a “waste of time”. And, to a certain extent, this is understandable.

For those who have “come up” in a more golden era, going out for a walk is not what it used to be. Life is busy. There are more cars on the road. There is more noise on the streets. And, for some, they can feel a little more vulnerable out side the home.

But, all that not withstanding, the simple act of walking can actually add exponentially to the quality of one’s life. This can be seen in several areas and it’s worth considering how to find time and a safe place to do it.

Medical research has shown that engaging in some form of physical activity can improve the mental, emotional and physical qualities of life for all who make it a regular practice.

This has the potential of not only helping those that may be a little older and in less than excellent health, but also helping those tasked with caring for them and reducing the burden of care.

Dr. Anders Hansen, a medical doctor and psychiatrist has spent a lot of time researching the positive effects that a simple brisk walk can give.

…Dr. Anders Hansen says there’s something available right now that can give our brain the protection medicine can’t.

It’s exercise.

In his book “The Real Happy Pill: Power Up Your Brain By Moving Your Body,” Hansen says a daily walk has been found to cut the risk of dementia by 40 percent, which he calls a “mind-boggling” statistic that hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves.

And even if people are aware of the benefits of exercise, they often have an aversion to it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that only about 20 percent of American adults get the recommended amount of exercise. People over the age of 65, who face a greater risk of dementia, are the least likely to exercise.

If you are one of those people, and you’re looking to get more physically active, Hansen says it can be easier than you think. Just go for a walk on a regular basis. See more…

For caregivers of those able to walk safely, this regular activity will help keep your loved one strong, improve digestion and bowel function, improve circulation and respiration (which helps boost immunity) and also do a lot to counteract depression. With all those benefits, a regular walking program is really a “no brainer”.

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